As -Salamu-Alaikum, brothers and sisters!
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah ﷺ upon his family and companions altogether.
In Islam, the 99 Names of Allah سبحانه و تعالى hold profound significance, representing His various attributes and qualities. These names encapsulate the essence of the divine and offer believers a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of the Almighty.

Name | Meaning | Arabic | Hindi |
Ar-Rahman | The All-Merciful | الرحمن | अर-रहमान |
Ar-Rahim | The Most Merciful | الرحيم | अर-रहीम |
Al-Malik | The Absolute Ruler | الملك | अल-मलिक |
Al-Quddus | The Pure One | القدوس | अल-क़ुद्दूस |
As-Salam | The Source of Peace | السلام | अस-सलाम |
Al-Mu’min | The Guardian of Faith | المؤمن | अल-मुआमिन |
Al-Muhaymin | The Protector | المهيمن | अल-मुहैमिन |
Al-Aziz | The Almighty | العزيز | अल-अज़ीज |
Al-Jabbar | The Compeller | الجبار | अल-जब्बार |
Al-Mutakabbir | The Majestic | المتكبر | अल-मुतकब्बिर |
Al-Khaliq | The Creator | الخالق | अल-ख़ालिक |
Al-Bari’ | The Maker | البارئ | अल-बारी |
Al-Musawwir | The Fashioner | المصور | अल-मुसव्विर |
Al-Ghaffar | The Forgiver | الغفار | अल-गफ़्फार |
Al-Qahhar | The Subduer | القهار | अल-क़हार |
Al-Wahhab | The Bestower | الوهاب | अल-वह्हाब |
Ar-Razzaq | The Provider | الرزاق | अर-रज़्जाक |
Al-Fattah | The Opener | الفتاح | अल-फत्ताह |
Al-‘Alim | The All-Knowing | العليم | अल-आलीम |
Al-Qabid | The Constrictor | القابض | अल-क़ाबिद |
Al-Basit | The Expander | الباسط | अल-बासित |
Al-Khafid | The Abaser | الخافض | अल-ख़ाफ़िद |
Ar-Rafi’ | The Exalter | الرافع | अर-राफ़ि |
Al-Mu’izz | The Giver of Honour | المعز | अल-मुईज़ |
Al-Mudhill | The Giver of Dishonour | المذل | अल-मुद्धिल |
As-Sami’ | The All-Hearing | السميع | अस-समी |
Al-Basir | The All-Seeing | البصير | अल-बसीर |
Al-Hakam | The Judge | الحكم | अल-हक़म |
Al-‘Adl | The Just | العدل | अल-अदल |
Al-Latif | The Subtle | اللطيف | अल-लतीफ |
Al-Khabir | The Aware | الخبير | अल-ख़बीर |
Al-Halim | The Forbearing | الحليم | अल-हलीम |
Al-‘Azim | The Magnificent | العظيم | अल-अज़ीम |
Al-Ghafur | The Forgiving | الغفور | अल-ग़फ़ूर |
Ash-Shakur | The Appreciative | الشكور | अश-शकूर |
Al-‘Aliyy | The Most High | العلي | अल-अली |
Al-Kabir | The Greatest | الكبير | अल-कबीर |
Al-Hafiz | The Preserver | الحفيظ | अल-हफ़ीज़ |
Al-Muqit | The Nourisher | المقيت | अल-मुकीत |
Al-Hasib | The Reckoner | الحسيب | अल-हसीब |
Al-Jalil | The Majestic | الجليل | अल-जलील |
Al-Karim | The Generous | الكريم | अल-करीम |
Ar-Raqib | The Watchful | الرقيب | अर-रक़ीब |
Al-Mujib | The Responsive | المجيب | अल-मुजीब |
Al-Wasi’ | The Vast | الواسع | अल-वासिअ |
Al-Hakim | The Wise | الحكيم | अल-हक़ीम |
Al-Wadud | The Loving | الودود | अल-वदूद |
Al-Majid | The Glorious | المجيد | अल-मजीद |
Al-Ba’ith | The Resurrector | الباعث | अल-बाइअथ |
Ash-Shahid | The Witness | الشهيد | अश-शाहिद |
Al-Haqq | The Truth | الحق | अल-हक़्क |
Al-Wakil | The Trustee | الوكيل | अल-वक़ील |
Al-Qawiyy | The Strong | القوي | अल-क़वी |
Al-Matin | The Firm | المتين | अल-मतीन |
Al-Waliyy | The Protector | الولي | अल-वलिय |
Al-Hamid | The All-Praiseworthy | الحميد | अल-हमीद |
Al-Muhsi | The Accounter | المحصي | अल-मुहसी |
Al-Mubdi | The Originator | المبدئ | अल-मुबदी |
Al-Mu’id | The Restorer | المعيد | अल-मुईद |
Al-Muhyi | The Giver of Life | المحيي | अल-मुहयी |
Al-Mumit | The Taker of Life | المميت | अल-मुमीत |
Al-Hayy | The Ever-Living | الحي | अल-हय्य |
Al-Qayyum | The Self-Existing | القيوم | अल-क़य्यूम |
Al-Wajid | The Finder | الواجد | अल-वाजिद |
Al-Majid | The Glorious | المجيد | अल-मजीद |
Al-Wahid | The One | الواحد | अल-वाहिद |
Al-Ahad | The Unique | الأحد | अल-अहाद |
As-Samad | The Eternal | الصمد | अस-समद |
Al-Qadir | The All-Powerful | القادر | अल-क़ादिर |
Al-Muqtadir | The Able | المقتدر | अल-मुक़्तादिर |
Al-Muqaddim | The Expediter | المقدم | अल-मुक़्तादिम |
Al-Mu’akhkhir | The Delayer | المؤخر | अल-मुअख़्खिर |
Al-Awwal | The First | الأول | अल-आव्वल |
Al-Akhir | The Last | الأخر | अल-आखिर |
Az-Zahir | The Manifest | الظاهر | अज-जाहिर |
Al-Batin | The Hidden | الباطن | अल-बातिन |
Al-Wali | The Patron | الوالي | अल-वाली |
Al-Muta’ali | The Most Exalted | المتعالي | अल-मुताआली |
Al-Barr | The Source of Goodness | البر | अल-बर्र |
At-Tawwab | The Acceptor of Repentance | التواب | अत-तव्वाब |
Al-Muntaqim | The Avenger | المنتقم | अल-मुन्तक़िम |
Al-‘Afuww | The Pardoner | العفو | अल-अफ़्फू |
Ar-Ra’uf | The Compassionate | الرؤوف | अर-रऊफ |
Malik al-Mulk | The Owner of All Sovereignty | مالك الملك | मालिक अल-मुल्क |
Dhu al-Jalal wa al-Ikram | The Lord of Majesty and Generosity | ذو الجلال والإكرام | ज़ूल-जलाल वा अल-इकराम |
Al-Muqsit | The Equitable | المقسط | अल-मुक़्सित |
Al-Jami’ | The Gatherer | الجامع | अल-जामिअ |
Al-Ghani | The Self-Sufficient | الغني | अल-गनी |
Al-Mughni | The Enricher | المغني | अल-मुग़्नी |
Al-Mani’ | The Preventer | المانع | अल-मानिअ |
Ad-Darr | The Distressor | الضار | अद-दार |
An-Nafi’ | The Benefactor | النافع | अन-नाफ़ि |
An-Nur | The Light | النور | अन-नूर |
Al-Hadi | The Guide | الهادي | अल-हादी |
Al-Badi’ | The Incomparable | البديع | अल-बादिअ |
Al-Baqi | The Ever-Enduring | الباقي | अल-बाकिअ |
Al-Warith | The Inheritor | الوارث | अल-वारिस |
Ar-Rashid | The Guide to the Right Path | الرشيد | अर-रशीद |
As-Saboor | The Patient | الصبور | अस-सबूर |
Importance of Knowing Allah’s Names
Understanding the 99 Names of Allah is not merely an exercise in memorization; it’s a journey towards deeper spiritual enlightenment. Each name carries a unique meaning and serves as a window through which believers can comprehend the boundless mercy, wisdom, and power of Allah.
The Concept of Asma-ul-Husna
Asma-ul-Husna, or the Beautiful Names of Allah, reflect His perfection and encompass all aspects of His being. Delving into these names fosters a sense of awe and reverence, strengthening the bond between the Creator and His creation.
Benefits of Understanding the 99 Names of Allah
By familiarizing ourselves with the 99 Names of Allah, we unlock a treasure trove of blessings. Not only do these names inspire awe and devotion, but they also instill a sense of tranquility and hope in the hearts of believers.
Exploring Some of the Names of Allah
Al-Rahman (The Most Compassionate)
Allah’s boundless mercy encompasses all creation, showering His blessings upon both believers and non-believers alike.
Al-Rahim (The Most Merciful)
In His infinite mercy, Allah extends compassion and forgiveness to those who seek His guidance and repentance.
Al-Malik (The King)
As the sovereign ruler of the universe, Allah’s dominion knows no bounds, and His authority reigns supreme over all creation.
Al-Quddus (The Holy)
Allah’s purity and sanctity transcend human comprehension, exemplifying absolute perfection and righteousness.
Al-Salam (The Source of Peace)
In a world plagued by strife and discord, Allah offers solace and serenity to those who seek refuge in His divine presence.
Al-Mu’min (The Guardian of Faith)
As the protector of believers, Allah safeguards their faith and guides them along the path of righteousness.
Al-Muhaymin (The Protector)
Allah watches over His creation with unwavering vigilance, shielding them from harm and guiding them towards salvation.
Al-Aziz (The Mighty)
Allah’s might and majesty inspire awe and reverence, reminding believers of His unparalleled strength and supremacy.
Al-Jabbar (The Compeller)
In His infinite wisdom, Allah rectifies and restores, compelling hearts to submit to His divine will.
Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic)
Allah’s majesty and grandeur surpass human comprehension, leaving believers in awe of His sublime greatness.
Understanding the Attributes of Allah
Each of the 99 Names of Allah offers a unique insight into His divine attributes, illuminating the path towards spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
Incorporating the 99 Names of Allah in Daily Life
By invoking the names of Allah in daily prayers and supplications, believers cultivate a deeper connection with the divine, finding solace and guidance in times of need.
Why are there specifically 99 Names of Allah?
The number 99 is symbolic and serves as a comprehensive representation of Allah’s attributes. While there are countless other qualities attributed to Allah, these 99 names encapsulate the essence of His divine nature.
How can I incorporate the 99 Names of Allah into my daily routine?
You can recite the 99 Names of Allah during your daily prayers or take time to reflect on their meanings and implications in your life. Incorporating these names into your supplications can deepen your connection with the divine.
Are the 99 Names of Allah mentioned in the Quran?
Yes, many of the names are directly mentioned in the Quran, while others are derived from hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).
Understanding the 99 Names of Allah fosters a deeper connection with the divine, instills a sense of awe and reverence, and provides solace and guidance in times of need.
Can non-Muslims also benefit from understanding the 99 Names of Allah?
Absolutely. The divine attributes represented by the 99 Names of Allah transcend religious boundaries and offer universal insights into the nature of the divine.
Read: Muslim Names
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