13 Meaningful Muslim Names Inspired by Shab-e-Meraj

Muslim names inspired by shab-e-meraj

As-salamu alykum Shab-e-Meraj, or the Night of Ascension, is a significant event in Islamic history where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was taken on a miraculous journey through the heavens. This holy occasion inspires many meaningful and beautiful Muslim names. Below is a list of unique Muslim names inspired by Shab-e-Meraj, along with their … Read more

13 Unique Muslim Baby Girl Names Starting with Y

Unique Muslim baby girl names starting with Y

As-salamu alykum If you are exploring unique Muslim baby girl names starting with Y, here is a curated list of names from diverse Islamic cultures, including Arabic, Urdu, Turkish, Persian, and Bangla origins. Each name comes with its meaning, origin, and Arabic equivalent for added significance. Name Meaning Origin Arabic Equivalent Yasmin Jasmine flower, fragrance … Read more

10 Interesting Turkish Muslim Boy Names that Start with the Letter “C”

Turkish Muslim boy names that start with C

As-salamu alykum Turkish Muslim names carry a rich history and cultural significance. If you’re looking for unique and meaningful Turkish Muslim boy names that start with C, here is a curated list of pure Turkish Muslim names along with their meanings, origins, and Arabic equivalents. Name Meaning Origin Arabic Equivalent Cemal Beauty, grace Turkish Jamāl … Read more

5 Prominent Non-Arab Sahabah (رضي الله عنه): A Glimpse into Diversity in Islam

Non-Arab sahabah

As-salamu alykum Islam is a religion that transcends boundaries, ethnicities, and cultures. The Companions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), known as the Sahabah, were a diverse group of individuals united by their faith. Among them were many non-Arabs, whose inclusion showcases the universal appeal of Islam. Here, we highlight some prominent non-Arab Sahabah, presenting their names, … Read more

19 Turkish Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with “B”

Turkish Muslim boy names that start with B

As-salamu alykum Choosing a meaningful and beautiful name for your baby is a significant decision. Below is a carefully chosen bundle of Turkish Muslim baby boy names that start with B. Each name is provided with its meaning, origin, and Arabic equivalent. Name Meaning Origin Arabic Equivalent Bahir Dazzling, brilliant Turkish/Arabic باهر Baris Peace Turkish … Read more

19 Unique Muslim Baby Girl Names That Start with the Letter “W”

Unique Muslim baby girl names that start with W

As-salamu alykum If you’re looking for a name for your baby girl that starts with the letter “W,” you’re in the right place. Below, we’ve prepared a comprehensive list of unique Muslim baby girl names that start with W, from diverse Muslim backgrounds, including Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Turkish, Bangla, Indonesian, and more. Each name includes … Read more

13 Kazakh Names Honoring the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

Kazakh Muslim Boy Names

In Kazakh Muslim culture, names inspired by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) hold immense significance. These names not only reflect reverence for the Prophet but also embody values such as compassion, truthfulness, and leadership. Below is a table of Kazakh Muslim boy names that honor the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his many titles and attributes. Name … Read more

8 Rare and Unique Muslim Baby Girl Names that Start with the Letter “V”

Unique Muslim baby girl names that start with V

As-salamu alykum Below is a curated list of unique Muslim baby girl names that start with V. Each name is paired with its meaning, origin, and Arabic equivalent. Name Meaning Origin Urdu Equivalent Vardah Rose; Flower Arabic وردة Vashti Beautiful; Excellent Persian وشتی Varisha Lightning; Rain Urdu/Arabic وریشہ Vahida Unique; Singular Arabic وحیدہ Viyana Wisdom; … Read more

7 Days of the Week in Arabic

Days of the week in Arabic

As-salamu alykum Days of week in Arabic Arabic have rich meanings rooted in language, culture, and religion. Each day is named in connection with the sequence of creation, worship, and daily life. Below is a detailed explanation and a table summarizing days of the week in Arabic, their meanings, and their Arabic equivalents. Day Arabic … Read more

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