Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with A
As -Salamu-Alaikum, brothers and sisters!
When searching for a beautiful name for our baby, we often start with the letter A. This choice is significant not only because A is the first letter of the English alphabet, but also because Muslim baby boy names starting with A hold great importance in Islamic tradition. Names such as Ahmad, which conveys feelings of gratitude and devotion to Allah. on the other hand Ali, symbolizing strength and noble character.
Muslim baby boy names starting with A, especially those that include the prefix “Abd,” are particularly esteemed in Islamic teachings and culture. Examples like Abdullah and Abdul Rahman are among the best choices for meaningful names.

Name | Meaning | Origin | Arabic |
Abdallah | Servant of Allah | Arabic | عبد الله |
Abdul-Aziz | Servant of the Mighty (Allah) | Arabic | عبد العزيز |
Abdul-Hadi | Servant of the Guide (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الهادي |
Abdul-Jabbar | Servant of the Compeller (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الجبار |
Abdul-Karim | Servant of the Generous (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الكريم |
Abdul-Latif | Servant of the Subtle One (Allah) | Arabic | عبد اللطيف |
Abdul-Malik | Servant of the King (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الملك |
Abdul-Ahad | Servant of the One and Only (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الأحد |
Abdul-Rahman | Servant of the Merciful (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الرحمن |
Abdul-Wahhab | Servant of the Giver (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الوهاب |
Abdul-Haq | Servant of the Truth (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الحق |
Abdul-Samad | Servant of the Eternal (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الصمد |
Abdul-Wali | Servant of the Protecting Friend (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الولي |
Abdul-Bari | Servant of the Creator (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الباري |
Abdul-Ghani | Servant of the Self-Sufficient (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الغني |
Abdul-Hakim | Servant of the Wise (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الحكيم |
Abdul-Jalil | Servant of the Majestic (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الجليل |
Abdul-Muhaimin | Servant of the Guardian (Allah) | Arabic | عبد المهيمن |
Abdul-Sattar | Servant of the Protector (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الستار |
Abdul-Nasser | Servant of the Victorious (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الناصر |
Abdul-Qadir | Servant of the Capable (Allah) | Arabic | عبد القادر |
Abdul-Rafi | Servant of the Exalter (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الرافع |
Abdul-Salam | Servant of Peace (Allah) | Arabic | عبد السلام |
Abdul-Wadud | Servant of the Loving (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الودود |
Abdul-Ghaffar | Servant of the Forgiver (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الغفار |
Abdul-Mutakabir | Servant of the Supreme (Allah) | Arabic | عبد المتكبر |
Abdul-Quddus | Servant of the Holy (Allah) | Arabic | عبد القدوس |
Abdul-Khaliq | Servant of the Creator (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الخالق |
Abdul-Musavir | Servant of the Fashioner (Allah) | Arabic | عبد المصور |
Ahmad | Most praised, one of the Prophet’s names | Arabic | أحمد |
Ali | Elevated, high | Arabic | علي |
Arham | Merciful, compassionate | Arabic | أرحم |
Ayan | Gift of God, favored by Allah | Arabic | أيان |
Azeem | Mighty, great | Arabic | عظيم |
Ayman | Blessings, fortunate | Arabic | أيمن |
Adnan | A settler, one who stays in one place | Arabic | عدنان |
Aaban | Name of an Angel | Arabic | آبان |
Aadam | The first Prophet of Islam | Arabic | آدم |
Aahil | Prince, ruler | Arabic | آهل |
Aakif | Devoted, dedicated | Arabic | عاكف |
Aarif | Knowledgeable, wise | Arabic | عارف |
Ayaan | Gift of God, favored by Allah | Arabic | أيان |
Aariz | Respectable man | Arabic | عارض |
Aashir | Living, spending a life | Arabic | عاشر |
Abid | Worshipper, devout | Arabic | عابد |
Abraar | Pious, righteous | Arabic | أبرار |
Abrar | Virtuous, pious | Arabic | أبرار |
Aahil | Prince, ruler | Arabic | آهل |
Aakif | Devoted, dedicated | Arabic | عاكف |
Aarif | Knowledgeable, wise | Arabic | عارف |
Abdul | Servant of Allah | Arabic | عبد ال |
Abdur | Servant of the Most Gracious | Arabic | عبد الر |
Abeer | Fragrance, perfume | Arabic | عبير |
Abraxas | Blessing, good news | Arabic | أبراكس |
Abu | Father, owner | Arabic | أبو |
Abul | Father of the | Arabic | أبول |
Abyad | White, pure | Arabic | أبيض |
Adalat | Justice, fairness | Arabic | عدالة |
Adar | Prince, ruler | Arabic | أدر |
Adeeb | Scholar, cultured | Arabic | أديب |
Adel | Just, fair | Arabic | عادل |
Adham | Black, dark | Arabic | أدهم |
Adil | Fair, honest | Arabic | عادل |
Afif | Chaste, modest | Arabic | عفيف |
Afnan | Branches, twigs | Arabic | أفنان |
Aftab | Sun | Arabic | آفتاب |
Afzal | Excellent, best | Arabic | أفضل |
Ahmar | Reddish, the sun | Arabic | أحمر |
Ahsan | Best, finest | Arabic | آفتاب |
Ahad | One, unique | Arabic | أحد |
Aidan | Tall palm tree, intelligent | Arabic | أيدن |
Aiden | Tall palm tree, intelligent | Arabic | أيدن |
Aiman | Fearless, brave | Arabic | أيمن |
Aizaz | Honor, esteem | Arabic | عزاز |
Ajwad | Better, superior | Arabic | أجواد |
Akbar | Great, bigger | Arabic | أكبر |
Akeem | Wise, intelligent | Arabic | أكيم |
Akil | Intelligent, smart | Arabic | عقيل |
Alam | World, the universe | Arabic | عالم |
Aleem | Knowledgeable, learned | Arabic | عليم |
Alim | Scholar, knowledgeable | Arabic | عالم |
Alif | First letter of the Arabic alphabet | Arabic | ألف |
Amaan | Peace, safety | Arabic | أمان |
Afshan | Scattering, spreading, something that brings happiness | Persian | أفشان |
Ameer | Leader, prince | Arabic | أمير |
Amer | Prince, rich | Arabic | عامر |
Amin | Trustworthy, faithful | Arabic | أمين |
Amir | Leader, commander | Arabic | أمير |
Amjad | Noble, glorious | Arabic | أمجد |
Ammar | Long-living, builder | Arabic | عمار |
Amr | Command, order | Arabic | عمر |
Anas | Friend, affectionate | Arabic | أنس |
Anwar | Light, radiant | Arabic | أنوار |
Aqeel | Wise, sensible | Arabic | عقيل |
Aqib | Follower, successor | Arabic | عقيب |
Arman | Desire, wish | Arabic | آرمان |
Arqam | Scribe, writer | Arabic | ادقم |
Arsalan | Lion | Arabic | أرسلان |
Arsalaan | Lion | Arabic | أرسلان |
Arshad | Guided, honest | Arabic | أرشد |
Arslan | Lion | Arabic | أرسلان |
Asad | Lion | Arabic | أسد |
Asghar | Younger, smaller | Arabic | أصغر |
Ashar | Wise, prudent | Arabic | أشعر |
Asher | Fortunate, blessed | Arabic | أشعر |
Ashfaq | Compassionate, kind-hearted | Arabic | أشفق |
Ashraf | Honorable, noble | Arabic | أشرف |
Asif | Forgiving, compassionate | Arabic | آصف |
Asim | Protector, defender | Arabic | عاصم |
Asjad | Gold, made of gold | Arabic | أسجد |
Aslam | Peaceful, safe | Arabic | أسلم |
Asrar | Secret, mystery | Arabic | أسرار |
Ata | Gift, present | Arabic | عطاء |
Atif | Compassionate, sympathetic | Arabic | عطيف |
Ayyub | Patient, enduring | Arabic | أيوب |
Azam | Great, majestic | Arabic | عظم |
Azhar | Bright, shining | Arabic | أزهر |
Azlan | Lion | Arabic | أزلان |
Azmat | Respect, honor | Arabic | عزم |
Azlan | Lion | Arabic | أزلان |
Azraq | Blue, azure | Arabic | أزرق |
Azra | Maiden, virgin | Arabic | عذراء |
Aziz | Powerful, beloved | Arabic | عزيز |
Azim | Great, magnificent | Arabic | عظيم |
Aaraf | Heights; Peaks | Arabic | آرف |
Aasim | Protector; Guardian | Arabic | عاصم |
Abdulraheem | Servant of the Most Merciful (Allah) | Arabic | عبد الرحيم |
Abubakar | Noble; Righteous | Arabic | أبو بكر |
Afeef | Chaste; Modest | Arabic | عفيف |
Akmal | Perfect; Complete | Arabic | أكمل |
Ameenullah | Trustworthy of Allah | Arabic | أمين الله |
Asadullah | Lion of Allah; Brave | Arabic | أسد الله |
Azmatullah | Grandeur of Allah, Majesty | Arabic | عظمة الله |
Azeemuddin | Greatness of Faith; Magnificence of Religion | Arabic | عظيم الدين |
To summarize, Muslim baby boy names starting with A carry a deep spiritual significance and cultural heritage.
Dear visitors, we hope this message finds you well. As administrators of, we strive to provide accurate and reliable information about names and their meanings. However, we want to emphasize the importance of conducting thorough research, especially when it comes to personal or significant decisions based on name meanings.
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