The11 Honourable Wives of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

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Wives of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
  1. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid: His first wife, a wealthy merchant, and his greatest supporter. She was the mother of his children and a symbol of loyalty.
  2. Sawdah bint Zam’ah: Married to care for her after widowhood, Sawdah exemplified selflessness.
  3. Aisha bint Abi Bakr: Known for her intellect and memory, she narrated over 2,000 hadiths.
  4. Hafsah bint Umar: Custodian of the first written Quran manuscript, known for her dedication to Islam.
  5. Zaynab bint Khuzaymah: Known as “Mother of the Poor” for her charitable nature.
  6. Umm Salamah (Hind bint Abi Umayyah): A wise advisor and narrator of hadith.
  7. Zaynab bint Jahsh: Her marriage highlighted the importance of breaking pre-Islamic taboos.
  8. Juwayriyyah bint Al-Harith: Her union with the Prophet led to the liberation of many captives.
  9. Umm Habibah (Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan): Her marriage strengthened ties with her noble family.
  10. Safiyyah bint Huyayy: A Jewish convert whose marriage fostered interfaith harmony.
  11. Maymunah bint Al-Harith: Known as a blessed woman, her marriage symbolized unity.

Wives of Prophet Muhammad

1.Khadijah bint KhuwaylidArabicEarly baby or
premature child
خديجة بنت خويلد
2.Sawdah bint Zam’ahArabicBlack or dark
سودة بنت زمعة
3.Aisha bint Abi BakrArabicAlive or livingعائشة بنت أبي بكر
4.Hafsah bint UmarArabicYoung lionessحفصة بنت عمر
5.Zaynab bint KhuzaymahArabicFragrant flowerزينب بنت خزيمة
6.Umm Salamah
(Hind bint Abi Umayyah)
ArabicMother of peaceأم سلمة
(هند بنت أبي أمية)
7.Zaynab bint JahshArabicFragrant flowerزينب بنت جحش
8.Juwayriyyah bint Al-HarithArabicSmall girl or youthfulجويرية بنت الحارث
9.Umm Habibah
(Ramlah bint Abi Sufyan)
ArabicMother of Habibahأم حبيبة
(رملة بنت أبي سفيان)
10.Safiyyah bint HuyayyHebrew/
Pure or chosenصفية بنت حيي
11.Maymunah bint Al-HarithArabicBlessed or fortunateميمونة بنت الحارث

Read: Names of Khulafa-e-Rashideen

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