As-salamu alykum
Choosing a name for your child is a significant decision, and for Muslim parents, selecting a name with a Quranic origin holds special importance. In this article, we explore blessed Quranic names for boys that start with E—names that are either directly mentioned in the holy Quran or derived from Quranic vocabulary. Each name is provided with its meaning, origin, Arabic equivalent, and a reference from the Quran.

Name | Meaning | Origin | Arabic Equivalent |
Ehsan | Excellence, Benevolence | Arabic Surah Al-Rahman (55:60) | إحسان |
Elham | Inspiration | Arabic Surah Ash-Shams (91:8) | إلهام |
Emad | Pillar, Support | Arabic Surah Al-Fajr (89:7) | عماد |
Eid | Festival, Celebration | Arabic Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:114) | عيد |
Elias | The Prophet Elias (AS) | Arabic Surah Al-Saffat (37:123) | إلياس |
Emran | Prosperity, Name of the father of Maryam (AS) | Arabic Surah Aal-e-Imran (3:33) | عِمْرَان |
Ehsaan | Compassion, Kindness | Arabic Surah Al-Baqarah (2:83) | إحسان |
Ezzat | Honor, Glory | Arabic Surah Al-Munafiqun (63:8) | عزة |
Ebad | Worshippers, Devoted Servants of Allah | Arabic Surah Al-Furqan (25:63) | عباد |
Eyman | Faith, Right Hand | Arabic Surah Al-Baqarah (2:285) | إيمان |
Quranic Names for Boys that Start with E
Surah Ar-Rahman (55:60) – “Is there any reward for good other than good?”
Derived from the root (ل-ه-م) which relates to inspiration, similar to Surah Ash-Shams (91:8) – “And inspired it [with discernment] of its wickedness and its righteousness.”
Surah Al-Fajr (89:7) – “Iram, the city of pillars.”
Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:114) – “Appoint for us a festival (Eid) that shall be a rejoicing for us and the last of us.”
Surah Al-Saffat (37:123) – “And indeed, Elias was among the messengers.”
Surah Aal-e-Imran (3:33) – “Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran over the worlds.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:83) – “And speak kindly to people, and establish prayer and give zakah.”
Surah Al-Munafiqun (63:8) – “But honor (Izzah) belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and to the believers.”
Surah Al-Furqan (25:63) – “And the servants (Ibad) of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth humbly.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:285) – “The Messenger has believed (Aamana) in what was revealed to him from his Lord.”
Quranic names for boys that start with E carry deep meanings and are rooted in Islamic heritage. Each name is derived from Quranic words, verses, or the names of prophets and righteous individuals mentioned in the Holy Quran. Choosing a name from the Quran not only ensures a beautiful meaning but also instills a sense of Islamic identity in your child.
May Allah bless you with the best name for your child!
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